Communications, Events and Member Relations. Supporting ICLEIs communications teams

  • Kodea:14245
  • Izen osoa: ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability / Communications, Events and Member Relations. Supporting ICLEIs communications teams / ALEMANIA / Friburgo
  • Herrialdea: ALEMANIA
  • Udala: Friburgo
  • Erakundea: ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Kontratu mota: Beca
  • Iraupena: 6 meses
  • Hileko soldata: 1635€
  • Oharrak: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, founded in 1990 as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, is the worlds leading network of local and regional governments committed to sustainable development.
    Communications, Events and Member Relations. Supporting ICLEs communications teams. Specifically:
    Developing content and features for the ICLEI Europe website ( and other websites hosted by ICLEI Europe.
    Involvement in communication campaigns
    Preparing and sending out the monthly ICLEI Europe e-newsletter and other mass mailings, press releases and announcements
    Supporting communications of EU funded projects on sustainability topics
  • Maila akademikoa: Licenciatura o Grado (C5-8)
  • Data altua: 2024-05-20
  • Hasierako data: 2024-06-17
  • Titulazioa: Desarrollo Internacional, Geografía, Planificación Urbana, Ciencias Políticas, Ciencias de la Información, Comunicación u otra calificación apropiada
  • Observazioen hizkuntza:
  • Informatika: