Business development and commercial

  • Código Oferta:14316
  • Proyecto: TECNALIA ITALY SRL / Business development and commercial / ITALIA / PONTEDERA
  • País: ITALIA
  • Municipio: PONTEDERA
  • Tipo de contrato: Beca
  • Duración: 6 MESES
  • Salario mensual: 1635
  • Observaciones: TECNALIA Italy is the Italian branch of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the largest Technology Center in Spain. The main aim of TECNALIA Italy is to identify and develop business opportunities for the parent organization in Italy (and in neighbor regions, especially Alpe Adria: Austria, Slovenia, Croatia).
    Although the permanent staff of TECNALIA Italy is very small (only the office director), the connection and the collaboration with different groups and units in the parent organization is intense and seamless.
    Moreover, the office is part of a larger and stimulating ecosystem, which includes, for example, a world-class Research Institute on Biorobotics, with many international PhD students and young researches, as well as the national competence center on Industry 4.0 (and 5.0) ARTES 4.0.
    TECNALIA Italy is located in Pontedera, a small industrial town in Tuscany, very close to and well connected with Pisa, well known for its history and monuments, as well as for its three Universities.
    The trainees internship will mainly focus on business development and commercial activity in Italy and in neighbor regions, by:
    • Performing desktop market research in specific sectors, to identify new potencial clients, with a particular - but not exclusive- focus on the offer of TECNALIA Lab Services Unit (testing and certification services in sectos like Construction and Energy).
    • Providing support to client management and business reporting based on Salesforce Lightning CRM.
    • Generating feeds for TECNALIA Italy Digital marketing channels (mainly LinkedIn), in collaboration with the specialits in teh parent organization; co-developing specific marketing actions, in collaboration with the Competence Center ARTES 4.0.
    • Attending expos and other business events, as well as visits to clientes, together with the Office Director.
    The activity mix proposed above will be further specified and fine-tuned according to the trainees profiel and interests.
    University Degree requiered, in areas related to Marketing / Business Development / Innovation Management (Master degree preferred).
    The trainee should be interested in / willing to learn basic concepts of technology and innovation for Industry, Mobility, Energy, etc.
    Microsoft Windows + Office (autonomous user). A certain degree of proficiency with advanced functionalities of MS Excel (of other similar spreadhseet applications) is desirable.
    A certain proficiency with visual suites for communications and Marketing (e.g. CANVA) would also be desirable.
    Foreing languages:
    • English language: B2 (required).
    • Italian language: B1 or higher (highly desirable)
  • Nivel Académico: Licenciatura o Grado (C5-8)
  • Fecha Alta: 2024-05-28
  • Fecha Inicio: 2024-06-17
  • Observaciones Idioma:
  • Informática: Windows Office Excel Canva